
Next target - slitherlink solver

I am satisfied with my Kakuro solver. There are a few possible improvements for the Kakuro solver as I mentioned in the previous post, it wouldn't be very visible. So I want to try a solver for a different puzzle.

Sudoku (Wiki) is, of course, a candidate. It is one of the most popular puzzles in the world. But I don't want to make a Sudoku solver because:
  1. There are already a lot of good solvers.
  2. It is less challending than Kakuro. Sudoku can be solved by the same tricks as Kakuro. In a sense, Sudoku is a varation of Kakuro; a 9x9 Kakuro with no black cells except the top and leftmost cells, and with exposed solution values for some cells to guarantee a unique solution.
  3. Actually I create a solver before - in Microsoft Basic (no, it was not Visual Basic. It was a Basic with line numbers). It ran on a Z80 machine. The machine was very slow at that time but the Sudoku solver still ran fairly fast.
So what's the next? I am considering Slitherlink (Wiki/nikoli.com). It seems more challenging than Kakuro.

I am also considering C# as a language instead of C++. I have been using C++ for many years but I want to try something new. It should be a fun!

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